Learning to Overcome Your Hidden Health Problems

As a young adult, I took sleep for granted. But as I enter middle age, I find that I need sleep more than anything else. Unfortunately, the sleep I get isn't enough to keep me going during the day. I generally spend my waking days exhausted and fatigued. I decided to see a doctor about my baffling problem. After asking me numerous questions about my life, the doctor diagnosed me with chronic fatigue syndrome. The condition wreaks havoc on your life, even if you sleep throughout the night. Although I require ongoing treatment to manage my condition, I'm on my way to feeling like me again. I started this blog in hopes of reaching out to other people who suffer from unexplained health problems. I really hope you find the guidance you need to overcome your hidden health problem. Thanks for reading.

Learning to Overcome Your Hidden Health Problems

Signs You May Want to Consider Hormone Replacement as an Aging Male

22 October 2020
Health & Medical , Blog

If you are a male who has just had hormone replacement suggested to you for the first time, you might've wondered if this procedure is more for women. And that's understandable. Women have been using hormone replacement for many years, but the idea of men using hormone replacement is newer and less understood. It is different from female hormone replacement, of course. You would be taking testosterone, not estrogen and progesterone.
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Why Your Hospital Staff Members Should Learn More About Strangulation Cases

21 September 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

In a hospital, you and all of your staff members probably see victims of crimes and individuals who have suffered from all sorts of injuries. It is important to receive proper training about as many of the different types of injuries that patients might be suffering from as possible. Although you and the others who work in your hospital might have already undergone a lot of training, one thing that you might not have received much training about is strangulation.
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3 Types Of Surgeries A Neurosurgeon Performs

30 July 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Neurosurgeons diagnose and treat conditions of the nervous system. The treatment for some of these conditions often involves surgery. These surgeries range from same-day outpatient procedures to brain surgeries that are very complex. Here are three types of surgeries that a neurosurgeon performs. 1. Brain Tumor Removal Brain tumors are either cancerous (benign) or noncancerous (malignant). If a benign brain tumor is not growing or is not causing any symptoms, the tumor may not have to be removed.
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How Dental Infections Can Cause Cranial Nerve Abnormalities

12 December 2019
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you have a dental infection, then you may experience a toothache, gum inflammation, a bad taste in your mouth, and even a fever. Sometimes, however, one or more of your cranial nerves can be affected by a dental infection, and because of this, you may need to make an appointment with a nervous system specialist. Here are some symptoms you may experience if your dental infection has caused inflammation or damage to one or more of your cranial nerves.
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Here Are The Main Differences Between Urgent Care And The Emergency Room

10 October 2019
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you've never visited an urgent care center or an emergency room before, you may be wondering what the difference between the two is. Here are the main differences that should be taken into consideration: The Overall Cost One difference between urgent care and the emergency room is the overall cost of care that you will receive. An emergency room visit can cost literally thousands of dollars, a trip to an urgent care center can cost just a fraction of that.
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About Me
Learning to Overcome Your Hidden Health Problems

As a young adult, I took sleep for granted. But as I enter middle age, I find that I need sleep more than anything else. Unfortunately, the sleep I get isn't enough to keep me going during the day. I generally spend my waking days exhausted and fatigued. I decided to see a doctor about my baffling problem. After asking me numerous questions about my life, the doctor diagnosed me with chronic fatigue syndrome. The condition wreaks havoc on your life, even if you sleep throughout the night. Although I require ongoing treatment to manage my condition, I'm on my way to feeling like me again. I started this blog in hopes of reaching out to other people who suffer from unexplained health problems. I really hope you find the guidance you need to overcome your hidden health problem. Thanks for reading.
