When To Seek Medical Intervention For Persistent Shoulder Pain

As a young adult, I took sleep for granted. But as I enter middle age, I find that I need sleep more than anything else. Unfortunately, the sleep I get isn't enough to keep me going during the day. I generally spend my waking days exhausted and fatigued. I decided to see a doctor about my baffling problem. After asking me numerous questions about my life, the doctor diagnosed me with chronic fatigue syndrome. The condition wreaks havoc on your life, even if you sleep throughout the night. Although I require ongoing treatment to manage my condition, I'm on my way to feeling like me again. I started this blog in hopes of reaching out to other people who suffer from unexplained health problems. I really hope you find the guidance you need to overcome your hidden health problem. Thanks for reading.

When To Seek Medical Intervention For Persistent Shoulder Pain

When To Seek Medical Intervention For Persistent Shoulder Pain

24 August 2023
Health & Medical , Blog

If you're dealing with shoulder pain, it can be difficult to know when to seek medical intervention. In some cases, the pain can be minor and will eventually go away on its own.

However, if you experience persistent shoulder pain that lasts for more than a few days or does not seem to improve with rest, it is important to see a doctor.

Persistent shoulder pain may be an indication of a serious underlying medical condition. Here are some signs you should see your doctor ASAP for shoulder pain.

Numbness or Tingling

Numbness or tingling in your shoulder could indicate nerve damage, which can be caused by a variety of underlying medical conditions. For instance, if you have an injury to your shoulder or are dealing with a pinched nerve, the symptoms may manifest as numbness or tingling in the affected area.


If your shoulder pain is accompanied by stiffness, it could be indicative of a shoulder tendon tear, rotator cuff tear, bursitis, or even arthritis. While there are many treatments available for these conditions, it is important to visit a doctor as soon as possible to properly diagnose the issue and devise a treatment plan.


If your shoulder is swollen or tender, you should consult with a medical professional right away. Swelling in the shoulder can be indicative of an infection, fracture, or muscle strain, all of which require medical attention.

Mobility Loss

If shoulder pain is limiting your mobility, it could be the result of a serious underlying condition. For example, osteoarthritis can cause stiffness and pain in the joint that may impede movement. This type of condition should be evaluated and treated by a doctor to ensure long-term health.

Uneven Shoulders

Unevenness between your shoulders is another sign that something is wrong. This can be caused by an injury, rotator cuff tear, or even a misalignment of the spine. In any case, shoulder unevenness should be checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.

Lack of Ability to Do Daily Activities

If shoulder pain is so severe that it prevents you from doing everyday activities such as brushing your teeth, tying your shoes, or reaching for items on a high shelf, then it's likely time to seek medical intervention.

Talk to Your Doctor ASAP

If you experience any of the above symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor or orthopedic specialist for a more accurate diagnosis. It's important to remember that persistent shoulder pain should not be ignored. Contact a doctor to learn more about shoulder pain treatments.

About Me
Learning to Overcome Your Hidden Health Problems

As a young adult, I took sleep for granted. But as I enter middle age, I find that I need sleep more than anything else. Unfortunately, the sleep I get isn't enough to keep me going during the day. I generally spend my waking days exhausted and fatigued. I decided to see a doctor about my baffling problem. After asking me numerous questions about my life, the doctor diagnosed me with chronic fatigue syndrome. The condition wreaks havoc on your life, even if you sleep throughout the night. Although I require ongoing treatment to manage my condition, I'm on my way to feeling like me again. I started this blog in hopes of reaching out to other people who suffer from unexplained health problems. I really hope you find the guidance you need to overcome your hidden health problem. Thanks for reading.
