3 Ways To Use Lavender Oil To Make Your Home Birth More Comfortable
After your doctor has deemed it safe for you to give birth at home, you may decide to incorporate natural, herbal remedies to enhance your experience. If so, the three remedies below use the aromatic benefits of lavender to relax and comfort you as you give birth to your new baby.
Jasmine And Lavender Massage Oil
This massage oil combines the calming effects of lavender oil with the reported benefits of jasmine oil. Not only is jasmine a natural antidepressant, but it is also used as a parturient to lessen labor pains and the time it takes to deliver your baby. Both oils can be found in herbal shops and pharmacies.
In a small cup or bowl, mix together 15 drops each of the oils. Then, stir in a teaspoon of olive oil that is used as a carrier oil to ease the massage oil's application during the massage.
Have your partner or another family member rub a small amount between the palms of their hands. Then, have them gently massage the oil into your back or belly.
If you are experiencing a tension headache, you can also apply the massage oil to your temples. The aroma can soothe and relax your muscles, giving you relief.
Lavender Rice Packs
Instead of using heating pads or ice packs to soothe your muscles, use a lavender rice pack that can be either cooled or heated. The rice retains heat or cold longer and the scent of the lavender helps promote relaxation.
For each rice pack, you will need a cup of dry, white rice, a half of a cup of lavender leaves, an eight-inch square of fabric, and a four-inch piece of twine or yarn. You can find the lavender leaves in an herbal shop.
To make your rice pack, lay the fabric on a flat surface. Then, in a small bowl, mix together the leaves and rice. Pour the mixture into the center of the fabric and pull the corners towards the center. Twist the fabric corners together and secure them with the twine or yarn.
If you wish to use the rice pack cold, place it in the refrigerator for an hour before using. However, if you wish to have it heated, place it in the microwave for about a minute.
Test it to see if it is warm enough. If not, put it in for 15 second intervals until it is hot enough to provide relief but not so hot that it burns your skin.
Once your rice pack is the temperature you desire, place it on the area where you are feeling the sharpest labor pains. For example, if you are experiencing back labor pains, place it in the small of your back to loosen the muscles.
Heated Lavender Oil Aromatherapy
Another way to use lavender during your deliver is by heating the oil so the aroma fills the room and relieves your stress and tension durin labor. You can use a commercial oil diffuser or make one yourself using a glass jar candle, a stiff piece of metal screen, and a small metal bowl.
The screen will hold the bowl without snuffing out the candle's flame. When cutting the screen, turn the jar upside down and measure out two-inches from the edges.
Use a utility knife to cut the screen and bend it over the jar's opening. Remove it, light the candle, then replace and secure it with a strong, thick rubber band.
Place the metal bowl on top of the screen, centering it to allow air to reach the candle. Pour about a teaspoon of lavender oil into the bowl. After a few minutes, the flame will heat the oil and start filling your room with its aroma.
The above remedies are only a few things you can do to help you have a more comfortable home delivery. For more suggestions, you may want to speak with your midwife or look at a site like http://www.whallc.com for their recommendations on how to prepare for the big event.