4 PCOS Symptoms Treated With Natural Bioidentical Hormones
If you were recently diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, you might be pondering the best way to control the symptoms. PCOS is caused by a hormone imbalance that disrupts your endocrine system. As a result, your entire body remains in a state of imbalance that causes symptoms ranging from mood swings and infertility to acne and weight gain. Luckily, you can receive hormone replacement therapy treatment that makes up for the abnormalities caused by this condition. Bioidentical hormones often reduce or eliminate the four following symptoms to restore balance in your body and life.
Mood Swings
Without the correct amount of each hormone flowing through your body, you may suffer from mood disorders, like depression or anxiety. The brain responds negatively to excess levels of male hormones and causes disrupted moods that affect the ability to stay positive.
Weight gain also increases the risk of developing mood problems since it interrupts hormone distribution and often destroys your self-esteem. Throwing infertility issues into the mix can bring down your mood even further, which perpetuates the cycle of depression and anxiety. By restoring the balance of hormones in your body, you might be able to solve symptoms of depression and anxiety without mood altering drugs or talk therapy.
Cycle Irregularities
PCOS causes the normal 28-day menstrual cycle to swing out of whack. Some patients may have a 25-day cycle one month, and then go 40 days without sign of menses the next. Since female hormones signal your body to start the menstruation process, it is not surprising that imbalances disrupt this natural process.
Unfortunately, cycle irregularities can make it difficult to cope with premenstrual syndrome symptoms and even cause infertility issues. Fertility experts estimate that 1/3 of their patients have difficulty becoming pregnant due to hormone imbalances caused by PCOS. Treating with bioidentical hormones can restore complex balances to solve this trying issue.
Skin Abnormalities
Skin abnormalities, like sudden hair growth or severe acne, tend to perplex PCOS patients of all ages. The excess male hormones cause hair to grow in excess throughout your body in unexpected areas, like the face, back and hands. In addition, acne may flare up after eating sugar due to the way hormones disrupt your body's ability to process that substance. This is especially true if you also suffer from insulin resistance, which is closely linked to PCOS.
Upon starting hormone therapy, you will likely notice an immediate reduction of unnatural hair growth and acne eruptions. Adjust your diet to remove excessive carb allotments for an additional boost in skin health.
Weight Gain
As your body struggles to make sense out of disrupted hormone levels, weight starts to pile on. PCOS associated mood disorders also increase the urge to overeat or even binge, which further increases weight. The mood afflictions and difficulties avoiding food can make it difficult or impossible to lose the pounds as weight increases.
This problem tends to compound upon itself, leading you into dangerous territory with your weight. Excess weight on your frame strains your heart, muscles and joints, which often causes even more medical problems in the future. Hormone replacement therapy can prevent weight gain or help you lose the pounds if it is already an issue.
Finding Balance With Hormones
The severity of your symptoms often determines the type and amount of hormones you need. Since women with PCOS often have an overload of male hormones, like testosterone, doctors tend to balance the body out with a low dose of progesterone.
You must apply the progesterone cream directly to your skin to deliver the right amount of hormones to your body. You must use the hormones for several weeks to see if the dosage amount and hormone type solve your PCOS related complaints. If not, your doctor may adjust the treatment plan a bit to try other hormones or increase the dosage amount. Click here for more info.