Learning to Overcome Your Hidden Health Problems

As a young adult, I took sleep for granted. But as I enter middle age, I find that I need sleep more than anything else. Unfortunately, the sleep I get isn't enough to keep me going during the day. I generally spend my waking days exhausted and fatigued. I decided to see a doctor about my baffling problem. After asking me numerous questions about my life, the doctor diagnosed me with chronic fatigue syndrome. The condition wreaks havoc on your life, even if you sleep throughout the night. Although I require ongoing treatment to manage my condition, I'm on my way to feeling like me again. I started this blog in hopes of reaching out to other people who suffer from unexplained health problems. I really hope you find the guidance you need to overcome your hidden health problem. Thanks for reading.

Learning to Overcome Your Hidden Health Problems

4 Steps To Take If Your Child Is Stung By A Bee And Has An Allergic Reaction

7 June 2017
Health & Medical , Blog

No one wants to get stung by a bee, since the sting can be quite painful. But for some people, bee stings can be very dangerous if they have an extreme allergic reaction. If you or one of your children experience allergic reactions to bee stings, it is important to know how to respond. Take the following steps if your child with a bee allergy is stung by a bee:
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Headaches When You Sneeze, Cough, Or Bend Over? You May Have Chiari Malformation

7 June 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you have a headache in the back of your head that gets worse when you sneeze, cough, or bend over, you should get an MRI as soon as possible. This type of headache is a classic sign of Chiari malformation. You may also have other symptoms of Chiari malformation that may seem unrelated. Here's what you should know. Chiari Malformation Chiari malformation is a herniation of the cerebral tonsils at the base of your brain.
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Symptoms That You Might Experience From Food Allergies

17 May 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

While people with severe food allergies can experience troubling symptoms that send them to the emergency room, this isn't typically the case when you have moderate food allergies. In fact, you may currently be allergic to one or more foods that you eat regularly, and it's possible that you don't even notice the symptoms. It's worthwhile to schedule allergy testing so that you're aware of which foods give you problems, as you'll be able to ensure that you avoid them in the future.
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Switching To One Of These Careers? Don’t Risk Hearing Damage

17 May 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Making a career change can be an exciting time, especially as your starting date approaches and you get ready by purchasing the necessary garments and gear you'll use for the job. While you may be preoccupied with excelling in your new role, you'll also want to make staying safe a priority — and this includes the safety of your ears. Many vocations can be dangerous for your ears, and while you'll likely know to wear the proper hearing protection if you'll be working on a construction site or directing airplanes on the airport tarmac, you might not consider hearing protection for other jobs.
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Schedule A Family Doctor Appointment For Your Teen If You Suspect These Things

17 May 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

As a parent of a teenager, you face the challenge of playing an active role in your teen's life without acting as though you're meddling. In many cases, your teen may not feel comfortable talking to you, but would feel up for talking to a medical professional. Given that you're probably in charge of booking medical appointments for your teen, you can book him or her to visit the family doctor if you notice anything that concerns you.
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About Me
Learning to Overcome Your Hidden Health Problems

As a young adult, I took sleep for granted. But as I enter middle age, I find that I need sleep more than anything else. Unfortunately, the sleep I get isn't enough to keep me going during the day. I generally spend my waking days exhausted and fatigued. I decided to see a doctor about my baffling problem. After asking me numerous questions about my life, the doctor diagnosed me with chronic fatigue syndrome. The condition wreaks havoc on your life, even if you sleep throughout the night. Although I require ongoing treatment to manage my condition, I'm on my way to feeling like me again. I started this blog in hopes of reaching out to other people who suffer from unexplained health problems. I really hope you find the guidance you need to overcome your hidden health problem. Thanks for reading.
